36 Point Checklist for Hybrid Working From Home

From Employee Engagement and Safety - to Cyber Security and Costs. The Essential Code of Conduct Framework Supports the Effective Implementation and Management of Hybrid Working and Remote Teams.

The 36 point checklist for Hybrid Working From Home below has been developed to help ensure that the factors that make Hybrid Working successful are understood and:

  1. Provided for key stakeholders so that all parties start with the same building blocks. Undoubtedly, organisations will add their own key factors to these 36 points.

  2. Taken into account when building or adapting an enterprise wide Hybrid Working model.

  3. Shared with employees as well as employers to ensure expectations are set and well managed - this is key for employee experience especially with existing staff.

  4. Clear for newly recruited and appointed staff, critical in onboarding and gives you a strong competitive advantage.

  5. Communicated in a consistent way - even if you decide not to implement a particular point it can be equally important to explain ‘why not’ as well as ‘why’ you have implemented others.

Please note that how these 36 points are planned, analysed, implemented and communicated will make a big difference to the impact on the team - and in turn your customers - and whether you have motivated, engaged your leaders and teams or otherwise.


One critical point is that, in the UK, directors and senior leaders have a high degree of duty of care’ for employees and customers. Within the Governments’ July 2021 guidance working safely there are numerous reminders of how employers’ normal legal obligations include a duty to manage risks for all of those affected by their business. Measures include carrying out health and safety risk assessments and taking reasonable steps to mitigate risk (source CIPD).

It is recommended that legal advice is sought on all matters related to Hybrid Working from home, office and remote working

Useful links for more information

UK Government



British Safety Council


3 Step Action Plan: How to Align CX + EX.


4 Game Changing Skills for Team Managers